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21 December 2023

Warning Signs Of Gingivitis You Shouldn’t Ignore

At Smile Venue Dental, we understand the importance of healthy gums. That’s why we want to educate our patients on the signs of gingivitis, a common gum infection. Gingivitis is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that builds up on teeth.

Plaque accumulates when brushing and flossing are not done adequately to disrupt bacteria on teeth. The uncontrolled bacteria growth causes inflammation and irritation of the gums. Catching gingivitis early is crucial to prevent further progression and more serious complications.

What Is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is inflammation and irritation of the gums caused by a bacterial plaque buildup around the base of your teeth. Plaque contains hundreds of species of bacteria that accumulate in a sticky biofilm on teeth when not adequately removed by brushing and flossing. If left untreated, gingivitis can worsen, spreading infection to the bone structures around teeth. This can lead to tooth loss and other oral health issues.

Early Signs Of Gingivitis

Some early signs of gingivitis include:

Red, Swollen, Tender Gums

Healthy gums are typically firm and pink. Red, puffy, painful gums indicate inflammation and infection.

Bleeding When Brushing Or Flossing

Healthy gums shouldn’t bleed excessively from standard oral care. Bleeding signals infection damaging gum tissue.

Bad Breath And Bad Taste

Gingivitis bacteria produce foul-smelling waste. You may notice unusually bad breath or taste.

Receding Gums

Bacterial plaque destroys gum tissue, causing gums to detach and pull away from teeth. Receding gums create pockets highly vulnerable to further infection.

Loose Teeth

Damaged bone and gum tissue from infection can undermine tooth roots. This causes painful teeth sensitivity and looseness.

Prevention And Treatment

While gingivitis is common, it’s entirely preventable at home through diligent plaque disruption. Careful twice-daily brushing and daily flossing removes harmful bacteria. Getting regular professional cleanings and checkups helps too.

If gingivitis symptoms do show up, come see us right away at Smile Venue Dental. Through deep cleanings called scaling and root planing, we manually scrape plaque and bacteria from teeth roots and smooth damaged root surfaces. We may also prescribe medicated rinses to kill remaining bacteria. Combined with planning improved daily oral hygiene, we can resolve mild to moderate cases. More advanced gum disease requires coordination with gum specialists.

The sooner you get evaluated and start treatment, the better! Left long-term, gingivitis can progress to seriously compromise oral health. We’re here to partner in stopping gingivitis in its tracks.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is caused by uncontrolled dental plaque, a sticky film of bacteria building up on teeth due to inadequate brushing/flossing. High stress levels and health issues like diabetes can increase susceptibility.

How Is Gingivitis Treated?

Professional dental cleanings, improved daily brushing/flossing, antimicrobial mouth rinses, and for more severe cases, deep gum cleanings called scaling and root planing.

Is Gingivitis Serious?

In early stages, gingivitis is fairly harmless and reversible. But without treatment, it can progress leading to chronic gum infections, bone/tooth loss, and systemic inflammation.

Can Gingivitis Be Cured?

With prompt treatment at first onset, the bacteria and inflammation of mild gingivitis can be fully cured and reversed. But recurrent cases or long-term gingivitis can only be controlled if bacteria have damaged tissue.

How Can I Prevent Gingivitis?

Daily plaque removal through brushing twice a day and flossing once a day prevents gingivitis more than anything else. Getting regular dental checkups and cleanings also helps catch problems early.